Sunday, December 2, 2012

one FAMILY:-)

A family is a blessing that an individual should be grateful to have. What does family mean to you? Some may say friendship, love, and joy; while others say pain, agony, and anger. My family is my support system, my mother, aunts, and cousins all provide me with some type of support or guidance. 

To me FAMILY means love, friendship and support!

Love is something that everyone knows about whether is receiving love or giving love. It is a feeling that no human being can live without, my family feels love is a big issue. In my life time there were situations that arouse that I would not have made it through without my family. When I was in great sorrow, my aunt took off work so that she could be with me during my time of grief. 

  Our family system is very unique because everyone takes care of everyone in some way. Our system works well because sometimes my parents can’t be there or help out so we look to our other family members for advice or help. It just brings our family closer and closer.
My family members are very caring and watchful. If there is an opposing force it will be noticed and seen. We as a family then communicate it to each other or to that one person directly. We then leave it up to that family member to deal with it on their own unless asked or if it is a real serious situation. Opposing forces have no place in our family because we keep it so tight.

I love everything that I have especially my family. They mean so much to me. They are my strength, my life and my everything. If I had to choose, I will always choose them as my family.

 #soO GRATEFUL that i haVE them in my LIFE

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