One of the biggest problems of Philippine government is the increasing
rate of poverty in our country. Less job opportunities, food and oil
price hike, low family income are some of the reason of the increasing
rate of poverty but for my own opinion, OVERPOPULATION is the major
reason of it, having a big number of family members are the closest
cause of poverty, they cannot sustain their everyday needs for each of
the family member because of unavailability of a decent job or having a
less income that can’t support their needs. But the government have found a solution to
stop the overpopulation and prevent the continuous increase of poverty
rate in our country, It’s RH Bill. One of the content of RH Bill is
family planning that includes contraceptive methods; it can help to
reduce the birth rate in a family that causes overpopulation.
Through RH Bill, it can lessen the problems of the government with
regards to the health of the Filipinos by preventing the spreading of
AIDS in our country, it is very threatening that the number of Filipinos
who are positive in AIDS is increasing, the usual victim of this
syndrome are teenagers, they’re very active in engaging with sex maybe
because of curiosity and lack of parents’ guidance, aside from AIDS they
will also acquire various of sexually transmitted disease and infection
but through RH Bill, those diseases will be prevented by using
contraceptives and education regarding sex, enough knowledge regarding
these topic can lead to a healthier life and a problem free living.
The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH expresses its oppositions against this bill on many count.
The Roman Catholic Church opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy an embryo, blastocyst, zygote or fetus, since it holds that "human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.
IN MY OPINION..I strongly believe that CONTACEPTION is.....
not a sin but having 10 kids and not being able to feed them and take care of them is more than just a sin—its violation of human rights and a child’s right. And it's hard for me to see many pity children on streets. All we should do is to have the will to do our responsibility as educated people.